On 30
Q: Radiesse Vs. Sculptra, Which is Best for Cheek Enhancement?
A: I prefer Sculptra for cheeks. Both Sculptra and Radiesse work exceptionally well for augmentation of the cheeks in the hands of an experienced surgeon.
The key advantage to Sculptra is its longer duration of action. After a series of three Sculptra treatments resulting in a full correction, many patients will have results that last 2-3 years whereas Radiesse generally lasts about one year. The Sculptra results can be maintained over the long term with annual touch up treatments.
An advantage to Radiesse, though, is the immediate results while the outcome with Sculptra takes months to evolve.
Please call our office at 321.727.3223 to schedule your appointment and see if you are a good candidate for Sculptra.
Melbourne Florida Facial Plastic Surgeon