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If you are considering Otoplasty in Melbourne, Florida it’s best to know the precautions you should take after surgery. During an Otoplasty the position of your ears as well as the prominence of your ears may be helped.
Otoplasty recovery can be painful, but varies from patient to patient. The ears usually appear swollen or bruised right after the procedure, which will subside after some time. A few tips that Dr. Clevens suggests are: try not to sleep on your side during recovery, do not wash the hair with shampoo for up to one week after the surgery, keep head elevated to minimize and take any prescribed pain medication as directed to alleviate any discomfort. Adults can generally return to work after several days and can typically return to school after one week.
In the first five days after surgery, it is important to avoid any activity, which will elevate the blood pressure and . This can potentially produce under the and may cause bleeding as well. In addition, a firm dressing is usually worn 3-5 days after surgery. Generally, Dr. Clevens suggest rest and light activity after this surgical procedure.
If you are considering cosmetic surgery in Central Florida, call our office at 321.727.3223 to schedule an appointment. We would love to meet with you and discuss the best options available to you.
Ross A. Clevens, MD
Melbourne Florida Plastic Surgeon