Our incisionless "no scar" otoplasty procedure enables us to correct issues with the upper or lower eyelids using a highly advanced technique that leaves no visible incision lines behind. Register for our webinar to learn more.
Incisionless 'No Scar' Otoplasty

Webinar with Ross A. Clevens, MD FACS
Meet Clevens Face and Body Specialists in the comfort of your own home, with our Look & Feel Your BEST! Series of educational programs.
During this complimentary Virtual Seminar, our Harvard-trained Facial Plastic Surgeon Ross A. Clevens, MD, FACS presents his approach to Incisionless “No Scar” Otoplasty, or Ear Surgery, to address prominent or protruding ears. Dr. Clevens is an expert on Incisionless Otoplasty, regularly speaking at Facial Plastic Surgery meetings around the world to teach other surgeons about his techniques.
In this webinar, Dr. Clevens answers the questions patients ask most about Incisionless “No Scar” Otoplasty, including:
- What is Otoplasty?
- What are the differences between traditional Otoplasty and your Incisionless Otoplasty technique?
- What is the recovery like?
- Who is a good candidate for Incisionless Otoplasty?
- How much does Incisionless Otoplasty cost?
At the conclusion of the webinar, you'll have an opportunity to schedule your private consultation with our Specialists, virtually or in-person, as our gift to you! ($95 Value)
To get started, register below.